July 20, 2006


There are times raising children when a husband must come to the rescue of his wife by firmly telling his disrespectful children that they will not be allowed to ‘backtalk their mother’. In the recent past we had a music minister who scolded the congregation when they failed to live up to his expectations. His weapon of choice from the pulpit was ridicule. Once stopping the worship service he demand, “Are you with me or not? You people look like you’ve been drinking pickle juice. Let’s put some smile on out there.” Sure…smile after you’ve been scolded! This man’s father wasn’t in the audience, but his supervisors were and I kept thinking, “Are you really going to let him talk to us like that?” Apparently so, because his attitude never changed…so much for being rescued.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----I guess if Daddy doesn't rescue Mommy, a neighbor might come along and try to do it. In that case, do we know of any event that might illustrate how fast that neighbor can be thrown out of the house? Boy I can sure think of one!