October 02, 2006

Creative Cooks

The cookies in the bakery department at the grocery store were marked down from $2.99 to $1.99. Yum…Maple Leaf Pumpkin Chocolate Chip, I can see why they were on special, just reading the label made my taste buds recoil. I think four decades of manna in the desert probably produced some of Israel’s most creative cooks. Boiled, fired, sautéed, steamed, dried, baked… Seasoned with sage, dill and desert greens. Smoked, dried and BBQ. Can’t you just imagine yearly Manna Cook-Offs? Even though the older generation of Israelites complained about the food staple God provided, I can just hear some of the younger survivors of the desert wonderings saying, “Boy, I wish we could get good manna like we had in the old days. My mom made the best Maple Leaf Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Manna you’ve ever tasted.”


Anonymous said...

----The miracles never ceased during those fourty years. A few million people raised up a new generation where a few people could barely muster enough to survive. Think of the amount of water necessary to support that many people. At only one gallon per person per day they would consume a few million gallons of water every day. That is enough water to fill twenty-five average homes from floor to ceiling per day! It would take a twelve inch pipe running full capacity half a day to provide that much water! And that usage does not even consider the amount needed for their livestock (they had livestock because they made sacrifices.) But they had the Rock that followed them through the desert. There was plenty of water.
----And speaking of the livestock, it must have been a minor miracle to get all those grass grazing critters to be sattisfied with manna. There is some vegitation in that desert, but I can't imagine enough to feed all the animals a few million sinning people would need for sacrifices. I don't recall reading how God supplied the needs of the animals, but we know He did because they were there too.
----Then there would be the smaller miracle of keeping all those people from eating up all the animals after a few years of manna morning, noon, and night. After fourty years they probably had thought of every boring manna recipe possible, even Anna Danna-Banana Manna. That would send anybody off to teeth on a steer!
----But the greatest miracle of all was the children of that generation arriving at the bank of the Jordan river with obedient, godly, and submissive attitudes. Anyone who has taken a child on a more than fifty mile trip knows the challenge required to arrive there with good attitudes intact.

Christian Ear said...

I'd never thought about the livestock. Let me chew the cud on that one!