October 13, 2006

Fork in the Road

One of my favorite photographs was taken by photographer Betty France and is titled ‘Decisions, Decisions…’ The photo is of two fenced off pastures separated by a 20 foot wide area of grass. Snaking through the middle of the grass is a single, well worn cow path that forks and divides into two separate trails, forming a ‘Y’. Coming down the single path and standing at the fork is a white faced Herford cow. The cow’s dilemma is to decide which trail to go down, but the reality is that it doesn’t matter which one she uses. The single path and the divided paths are all still confined within the borders of both fences. Like the cow, I sometimes spend too much time at the fork in the road trying to make a decision. I need to remember I can take any trail, or for that matter make a new one, and still remain safely within the confines of God’s fence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----I am glad to hear this expressed. I spent several months in a Pentecostal church early in my new life. Among those people, every decision was a matter of life and death. Prayer had to be made before choosing between flavors at Baskin-Robbins.
----My new life in the Lord makes me special to Him. The paths of life remain the same. Although it becomes more imperative to discern the wicked turns in the road, all other turns just lead to different parts of the same pasture.
----I no longer wring my hands at forks in the road because I trust Him when He says that my plans are mine, but my footsteps are His. So I can comfortably look about the pasture where I am and say, "This is a good place to be now, because this is where I am now. I also will be in a good place tommorrow, because I will be there then."