April 02, 2008

Higher Authority

For almost three years, while I was ministry leader for Adult Education, I wrote and published The Sunnyside Journal, a newsletter for the adult Sunday school classes. Although the elders had originally given me permission to write the newsletter, I think the collective leadership was unhappy with the body building it accomplished. It wasn’t long before the chairman of the elders asked to meet with me. “People like your newsletter, but we didn’t realize you were going to publish it every week. We aren’t telling you that you can’t write it anymore, but if you’re going to continue publishing it, you’ll have to buy you own paper.” I, along with an occasional contribution from another person, bought the paper and continued publication – the cost amounted to a whopping $20.00 a month. It was maddening to watch money being allocated to the church saving account while I was denied copy paper. I wanted to cry foul, but the reality was there was no higher authority to go to. When my ministry came under additional restrictions I discontinued writing the newsletter. For two years now I’ve been writing a daily blog…I guess you could say I found my Higher Authority.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I thank God for giving you this corner of the housetop from which to shout. People can say all they want about what you are doing, but it remains scriptural. The only part of it I would doubt is your total apprehension to name the doers of the selfish, unscriptural errors purposefully done unto the others. If they are willing to do the things they do, then they should be willing to publicly step forward and take full, known responsibility for what they have done. You offer them more grace and saved face than I would. And maybe you are right.

Steve Corey