April 16, 2008

Power in Numbers

Since I’m new to the political scene, I’m asking those more politically mature to give me the Cliff Notes version of how to do things. Off and on in recent months I’ve met with the current council and the other councilpersons elect. We’ve been able to visit both formally and informally, however the informal meetings will come to a screeching halt as soon as were sworn in tomorrow night. Once we take our oath, if three or more of us are together it’s considered a ‘meeting’ and it must be open to the public. Picture all of us showing up at the same Christmas party playing dodge ‘em with one another because we can’t be together as a group unless it’s official. Sheesh, I just make new friends and now they’re telling me I can play with them! Actually I do understand the need to avoid even the appearance of any back room deals. Both politically and spiritually there is power and persuasion in numbers...even when it’s only two or more. “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matt 18:19-20 NIV


Anonymous said...

----- I kind of like the idea of open public meetings any time three or more of you gather. Maybe the intent of the rule is to dissuade backroom deals, but its effect is to make even more access to the council. It is the official part that looms a bit ominous. Does that mean anytime three of you are together the council has to have voted on your being together? What a strapping to malarkey that would be! If not, if you felt courageous, you could just wave your hand high and raise up your voice to say to those close by, “Hey, folks, we’ve got us a City Council meeting going on over here!” Ho-boy! No big, sheltering, council bench to feel secure behind! No knocking little gavel to control the noise with! Now I understand why you would want to play doge ‘em with the other council members! There is a lot of power in the numbers such a meeting would draw. And nowadays, it doesn’t always appear to be intelligent power.

Steve Corey

Christian Ear said...

No, we don’t have to vote about being together. However, if we know that three or more of us will be attending the same event or meeting we have to post it. I am so getting educated!

Anonymous said...

-----I take it that if you all did't know three or more of you would be at one event, therefor failed to post it, and coincidentally you happened to find the three of yourselves there, the public would demand an investigation into who knew what and when did they know it? Or just the press?

Steve Corey

Christian Ear said...

If we show up at the same event we'll just have to go to our respective corners!