October 06, 2008

What to Wear

Right now the golden Aspen trees on the surrounding mountains are spectacular. Yesterday while visiting a friend’s cabin however, it wasn’t the groves of Aspen that drew my attention, but rather it was the pine and lush spruce trees. With the help of a gentle breeze, the shedding Aspens had sprinkled all the evergreen trees with leaves of gold. In every direction there were what appeared to be old fashioned Christmas trees adorned with big yellow tear-dropped light bulbs. “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matt 6:30 NIV)


Anonymous said...

The picture you portray here reminds me of the sermon a couple weeks ago, and last week's Sunday School lesson. As Christians, we are to be salt, and light, and be where we can influence our culture. Like those aspens, we are to leave evidence of our presence on those around us. Hopefully that evidence will be the golden glow of God's love, bringing beauty to the lives of others and glory to our heavenly Father.
For Him,

Christian Ear said...

Oh…good extension to that thought Arlene!