December 15, 2008

Eye to Eye

After I caught up on the family news with my spunky Great Aunt, we then talked a little politics. Jesting she said, “I have so much [political] wisdom that people could benefit from, but when you’re already seeing eye to eye with those around you, what’s the point of discussion if everyone’s in agreement.” I know what she means. Believers often find themselves in much the same dilemma when they’re with one another. Salvation is just not one of the topics of discussion when everyone’s in one accord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I think I can say with certainty there is a lot to talk about that even the closest of believers would not see eye to eye. I know there is a lot I think about that I even have not decided to stand upon this way or that. So, when confrontation might become more detrimental than beneficial, Paul says in Romans to keep the faith you have between yourself and God. I believe this is a big reason why many topics, including salvation, get little discussion amongst those in close accord. It seems all parties involved value the accord more than the discussion.
-----This is somewhat unfortunate, because everyone can benefit from shared ideas of differing viewpoints, as long as the ideas exchanged are carefully handled and the Scriptures carefully searched and applied. Then, what would otherwise be confrontational discussion could become educational events, or simply good experiences. I am often surprised at how much some of my ideas change after pondering an opposing viewpoint in the light of what I know of the Word. My dad used to say for fun, “I might not always be right, but I am never wrong.” I have taken from the good humor of that expression, “I might not always be wrong, but I am never completely right.”

Steve Corey