June 28, 2013

Bizarre Bizarro

A recent Bizarro comic strip titled Divine Intervention depicts God as downcast, sitting on a heavenly cloud surrounded by three angels.

One angel places a consoling arm around God’s shoulder and a comforting hand on his arm. Another angel-scribe reads from a piece of paper and the dialog bubble reads, “…and then there was the weekend bender when you reached rock bottom and created man.”

The take-a-away for the readers is:

·       God drinks

·       God can’t remember

·       God not only makes mistakes, but grieves over his lapse in judgment

·       God hits rock bottom

·       This is only one in a long of mistakes that God has made

·       Angels keep a scorecard on God

·       A function of angels is to console God and remind him of his errors

·       Angels are superior to God because they don’t lose control

I’ve asked my local newspaper publisher to consider dropping the syndicated comic strip. It’s not merely offensive to believers, but it mocks God. “How long will the enemy mock you, O God? Will the foe revile your name forever?” (Psalms 74:10 NIV)


Steve Corey said...


-----It’s been over a decade since I’ve encountered Bizarro. Frankly, I don’t remember the attitudes of its humor. After all, to truly understand what an artist means in his art, you must understand the artist. Then, besides his intended message are all the careless ones he may not have meant. They are available irregardless to minds which think in other ways. A good artist will trim them all out. But few artists are so careful. It is why the arts are so troubling to mankind. They brim with messages both intended and unintended, both good and bad. From your description of this artistic display, I can see from where you are come.
-----You made impeccable use of analysis. That’s what I like; fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but analysis is wisdom beginning its education. Yet I noticed your analysis totally lacks man, yet man is present in the artistic piece. He is at the very tippy-point of the only item read to God from the list “of God’s errors“. Could it be possible that man’s presence in this manner might be the drop of anti-biotic sterilizing the whole petri-dish of festering meaning, kind of a reverse “fly in the ointment” thing? Because, what I immediately felt in mind as you described the piece was God being consoled for making such a crumb-bum as man, and that mankind’s disaster is so enormous that God’s creating him could only be accounted for by some foolishness amidst a giant, drunken bender.
-----Then, even at that, one needs to narrow focus down to the disgusting side of man. He is disgusting worse than the term conveys. Still, he also has a beautiful side in what God meant him to be and for what God created him to effect. This actually is the eternal side of man now containing Jesus Christ. He is a man, too. To attribute intoxicated bungling to the creation of man attributes it to the nature of Christ shared with man. Ahem. Uh, good place to start some thought change.
-----Humor is humor, and it does serve a good purpose. When all the slicing and dicing has been done to get at the grain of truth in it, the pile of fuzzy deceit for tickling the funny-bone can choke the mind. I stopped watching TV sit-coms nearly twenty years ago for this very reason. Through them perversion has been normalized to the point we now celebrate immorality as a prize for our children to attain. Ha, ha, chuckle, chortle; my foot!

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Christian Ear said...

Interesting thought on “man’s presence” being depicted only in the dialogue bubble. However, your observation sent me down another path and gave me another bullet point.

The three angels with their wings and halos are judging man as being a created blunder. So my bullet point would be that the angles are judging man, rather than man judging angels. Bad angels…

Paul says, “Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!” (1 Cor 6:3 NIV)

Steve Corey said...


-----Good eyes! I missed that one. How stocked full of inconspicuous little poison pills was that cartoon! These little tidbits can become points of interest within the subconscious. Like water vapor forms around dust particles creating rain-drops, thoughts and attitudes form around points of interest creating streams of consciousness. These flow out of the heart like springs. Unless a flood of perverted dust was allowed to blow in. Then the outflow is more like a drain spout, or worse yet, a sewage dump. My evidence? Behold the progression of what's been considered normal by the common person from 1960 until today. We once idealized modesty, virginity until marriage, and marriage until death. They now idealize the adventure of promiscuity, tryouts for marriage (shacking up), marriage as long as they want it, and they idolize homosexuality and almost any other bizarre ways of pleasuring themselves. Between then and the early 1990's, I watched sitcom's with an eye for the progression of what they served us for laughing at. It was always a little across the line, and that the line was always moving in its direction was easily noticeable. "Keep your heart with all vigilance; for from it flow the springs of life." (Prov 4:23) I suppose we are prudes for noting and expressing these things. But then again, "prude" is slang for prudent, and I'll take that any day of eternity over "ignorant".
