November 11, 2008

Veteran’s Day Blasé

I’ve served in both the US Navy and the Army National Guard. For those of us who have served in the military, Veteran’s Day is an important day of remembrance. However some people, who’ve not been personally touched by war or by service, are often blasé about honoring those who keep our nation free. I think the same can be said of some believers. Often those who’ve suffered for the faith or have been lifted from the depths of sin are to me, more deeply affected by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Whether it’s Veteran’s Day or the Communion Table, both give us an opportunity of remembrance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-----I heard on some documentary about the brain, or psychology, or something, that a cat is totally geared into the present. They concluded this because its brain does not have the area developed where memory is processed. I don’t actually believe them, because our cat seems to remember where his litter box is, as well as exhibiting many other behaviors for which only memory could account. But the thought of it reminded me again of how important memory is to intelligence.
-----That is not to say one is intelligent simply because one remembers things. Even more important to intelligence is relating memories to current experiences and developing new insight from the combination. My heart wells up with admiration for God our Father whenever I think of the system of rituals, festivals, and holy days He instituted for Israel. They are all summons for memories of a variety of aspects about who God is, how He relates to man, and how man is to respond. Having these recurrent calls upon such memories keeps them fresh for a mix into reflection upon whatever event may be at hand.
-----Remembrance is for more than mere replay of memory. It is for the carrying forward of desired aspects into the newly developing culture and character. It is this way for an individual. It is this way for a people. Should we ever forget our Veterans and what they secured for us, then we should fret for the lack of Veterans and security in tomorrow’s culture.

Steve Corey