August 02, 2012

Brothers and Sisters in Action

Yesterday I drove 120 miles round trip to have a meal at Chick-fill-A, and oh my goodness. At 12:30 there were three police cars in turn lanes with lights flashing and uniformed police officers directing traffic. The line of customers wove itself around inside the building and then spilled over into the parking lot where it snaked around the building. The city street at the side of the restaurant was bumper to bumper cars as it formed a new drive-through lane. Over a period of four hours I went back to the restaurant three different times hoping to find a lull, but none was to be seen. Even though I never made it all the way to the cashier line, I’m convinced that taking my place in the line of cars trying to get into the restaurant driveway showed my support. There was one lone protester carrying a homemade sign that read, “Love is love” and standing next to him on the corner was a white-haired Christian gentleman sharing Jesus’ love.


Anonymous said...

Very cool. Another blogger that I follow posted pictures on her blog of a scene just like you describe. She lives in Alabama.

You know, I didn'tthear anything on my local news about that kind of outpouring. They did manage to have several spots about the "anti-gay marriage" comments, tho.

If it weren't for these two blogs, I'd have never known.

I wonder if those who did see the turnout of support were surprised by the numbers of Christians in their area. Could they have wondered if we might be more of a presence than they realized?

I hope so. Perhaps they will investigate. Jesus stands ready to be found.


Steve Corey said...


-----God bless you! I wanted to go to Chick-fil-A yesterday, but work was in the way. So I could only involve my heart in the matter. The people flooding these outlets across the country are making an enormously important statement. It is less about homosexuality’s proper place and more about individual’s proper freedoms. Rhamm Emanuel’s determination to use the Chicago zoning laws to block entry of another Chick-fil-A is more than just frightening. It is one more seed of the variety which grew the political jungles of Nazi Germany. The idea that a law meant to work towards physical safety and to coordinate the efficiency of a city’s infrastructure would be used to cherry-pick the ideologies of its citizen’s is un-American. It is bigotry supreme. And that is the least of its evils. Everyone who showed up for Chick-fil-A day added to the message that we will be free from the bullies of political correctness and their statist overlords.
-----As for the gentleman carrying the sign reading “Love is Love,” he may as well have carried one reading, “121522005 is 121522005, ” or “Rock is Rock,” or “Cloud is Cloud.” All he communicated is that redundancy gives a useless definition to anyone who does not certainly know already, unless a bit of treachery be involved. Sure love is love, if you know what love is. But if you don’t you may be tricked, and that ain’t love! The treachery of his message was the context of the situation meant to supply, “Approve homosexuality,” as definitive of love.
-----Without definition, that is, without truth, love is hate. Love benefits. Hate detriments. It is that simple. Truth is a connection to what is, as it is, not to what anyone wants as they want it. This is one reason why God answered Moses, “Tell Pharaoh I AM THAT I AM sent you.” God exists in the only category of things that can define themselves, therefore He is Himself truth defining all other things. In other words, He is “...upholding the universe by His word of power.” (Heb 1:3b) To miss the truth which He is is to miss His upholding. To miss this is damned well detrimental! Therefore, however affectionate, however passionate, however well intended and sympathetic and supportive and pleasurable and accommodating an action or attitude can be does not make it love. What makes it love is the combination of its truth and benefit being defined by God. If that sounds narrow, I’m not sorry. I rejoice that in a sloppy, slippery, out of control, mean spirited world of self-serving bullies aiming to control societies into the powerlessness of their own drivel, love very pointedly aims at the exactitudes of truth. So love is not love, it is truthful benefit, which is God, who is known through obedience to His Word, only. Otherwise He too would be a liar. “Let God be true though every man be false, as it is written, ‘That Thou mayest be justified in Thy words, and prevail when Thou art judged.’” (Rom 3:4)

Love you all,
Steve Corey