August 14, 2012


I have an account that requires I change my password every six months. Just making the change is frustrating enough, but the IT Department requires that you be a gymnast and jump through hoops to come up with a password you can never remember. The minimum requirements are:
·       Is at least eight characters long
·       Includes at least 1 uppercase letter (A-Z)
·       Includes at least 1 lowercase letter (a-z)
·       Includes at least 1 number (0-9)
·       Does not include any portion of your name
·       Is not a previously used password
Thank goodness my five letter salvation Password is simple…Jesus.
Quoting the prophet Joel, Luke writes, “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Acts 2:21 NIV)


Steve Corey said...


-----I was just talking with Char the other day about what does not work salvation for the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons who call on the name of Jesus too. Or at least that is the effect many portray regarding them. I suppose it might be the same effect that will not work salvation for many Baptists and Pentecostals and Presbyterians etc who also call on the name of Jesus. For many on that day will say, “But Lord, Lord, didn't we the this or didn't we the that in your name?” I think it shows how much more there is to a name than just a series of alphabetic characters.
-----Regarding your password woes, I have a little trick you might appreciate knowing. I contrived it when I first encountered a requirement to include a numeric character. I use one basic password for everything. But for those instances where I must change passwords occasionally, or my password choice is bedeviled by a requirement to include numeric characters, I prefix my basic password with the two digit numeric representation of the month in which I was required to change it, and I suffix it with the two digit representation of the year. I once encountered a site which did not consider this change to be enough, so I inserted into the middle of my basic password, of course, the two digit representation of the day. It worked. So now when I have to refer to my list of passwords because some chump website chokes on my standard one, I get as gravy a nostalgic reminder of when it twisted my arm into modifying the password I like most.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Anonymous said...

I used to do the password thing in which my password for everything was the same or similar. One day, my son, who is the IT over a university (He has a fancy title that I can't remember, but the word "systems' is in it.) said to me, "You know, Mom, if you make your password easy for you to figure out, you're making it easy for hackers to figure out, too. And, with your method, once they do, they have access to every one of you accounts.

Hmphf. After the thought wafted thru my mind that I had paid an awful lot for an education that was now inconveniencing me, I let him give me advice.

He told me to make every password completely different AND, then, to write them down in a sort of coded way. But, most importantly, to write them down in something that, while easy for me to access, would not be apparent to someone else who happened to be in the house.

He told me exactly how to do that, but obviously, I can't pass it on here. Not that you'd com into my house and hack my computer...

And, yes, I'm glad salvation is attached to a name that never changes, too.
