March 10, 2008

Contradictory Commentary

It’s not surprising to read five different commentaries and find five different interpretations of a specific verse. Occasionally I’ll even read a footnote in a study Bible that seems to be stretching or slanting the context a little. However, I don’t think I’ve ever come across a footnote in a Bible that blatantly contradicts the verse it’s trying to explain. The Ryrie Study Bible, Acts 22:16 says, “And now why do you delay? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away you sins, calling on His name.” The footnote re-words the verse and then adds a comment, “Baptism does not wash away sins.” Yes, you read that last sentence correctly. How confusing for the new believer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I think I bought Dad a Ryrie study Bible for his birthday several years ago. I wish I had it in front of me right now. For while its study notes choke upon the correlation Luke makes between baptism and “washing sins away,” I would like to see the full bent-over, face to the ground gagging they might do in response to I Peter 3:21, “Baptism…now saves you…as an appeal to God for a clear conscience…” I love the Word of God because it says things with words. The Holy Spirit could have chosen to do a bunch of impressionist paintings that would roughly lend themselves to about any interpretation possible. But He chose the written word, because words mean things, and when brought together in obedience to grammatical arrangements, hey collectively form messages that only the deceitful can openly deny. Therefore, I feel safe in receiving those words. And when I saw the Bible making a big deal out of baptism, I had not the bravado nor the ignorance to minimize its point. I got my pitiful self baptized. And although I leave it up to others to make what they will of what they read from the Word, do advise a straight forward following of what the Word straight-forwardly states.

And that I speak in love,

Steve Corey