March 12, 2008

Struggling With Submitting

In her video series The Confident Woman, Joyce Meyer says, “Like Adam in the garden, men want authority - but not the responsibility.” In context Ms. Meyer isn’t putting men down, but rather making an observation about why she thinks women have trouble submitting. I can relate. My family tree has situations where husbands didn’t or wouldn’t accept head-of-household responsibilities and the wives stepped forward and become the breadwinners. Their marriages were like a juggling act with authority, responsibility and submission always up in the air. I see a similar situation in the church. The Bible clearly puts men in positions of authority, however there are instances where men don’t or won’t accept the responsibility. When women come forward to fill the void it’s not surprising that responsibility overshadows submission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----It is a sad admission to make, but there are men who fail their responsibilities and go nuts with their authority. And I have no intention whatsoever in making this a sexist issue, but it is sad also that many women who are left to step into the voids left by inadequate men end up just as irresponsible and power-drunk. It is a human condition that only grows worse in a culture having, “Hey, it’s my bag, man, what’s yours?” as a fundamental philosophy.
-----Hold on tight, brothers and sisters. It’s looking a whole lot Laodicean out there!


Steve Corey