March 13, 2008


I may get tired of reruns on television, but at least I can turn off the TV. When it comes to speakers and writers rerunning the same material I feel cheated and shortchanged. On more than one occasion I’ve become a fan of an author, but when I hear them speak at a conference they use the same stories and illustrations that appear in their book. Or I’ll hear a great speaker, buy her book and then be disappointed to discover that the most memorable chapters were in her keynote address. In the corporate world you’d have very few attendees if the audience heard the same presentations and jokes every year for two or three years in a row. However, those participating in Christian venues seem to think that our love for one another will cover over a multitude of presentation sins. It doesn’t. Thankfully Paul’s Epistles recognized each of the churches as a different audience. He wasn’t into recycled Epistles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----Evidently, many people have only enough material to get them famous. Then like a space capsule entering orbit, it is time to shut down the rockets and conserve the precious fuel. (Gee, I hope I’ve never said that before!)


Steve Corey