March 06, 2008

Fashion Forward

Paul warns the Ephesian elders, “I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.”(Acts 20:29-30 NIV) One Sunday after an intimidating and confrontational sermon I overheard an older, normally quiet and reserved man say, “I never thought I’d see a wolf in sheep’s clothing wearing a three piece suit!” I guess even wolves can be fashion conscious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----If there were not so many wolves in the business world, the education mill, and about everywhere else you might see a three piece suit, I would be tempted to say three piece suits are sheep’s clothing. But truly, sheep’s clothing are the generosity, the kindness, and the mercy that is the heart of the new life. It can also be religious acts like tithing, testifying, preaching, and being an elder. All of these things are easy to put on if you have a goal of sufficient value. So the difference between what the wolf wears and what the sheep wears is that the sheep is actually like his clothing. Only after experiencing first hand a preacher’s actions in the back rooms and on the streets will someone be able to tell whether he really is like his sermons.


Steve Corey